British Council Learning English Website

What i like:

1. Variety: I enjoyed the diversity of topics offered on the wedsite for learning English. From grammar to specific and everyday vocabulary. The variety of sentences kept learning interesting and relavant. 

2. Interactive quizzes: The quizzes after each lesson were helpful for practicing what I learned. I liked how the quizzees were designed to assess different skills, such as comprehension, reading and grammar.

What i didn´t like:

I think it has limited feedback. Although the website offers corrections after the quizzes, i sometimes found the feedback to be a bit scare. I would have liked to receive more detailed explanations about my mistake to better understand and correct them.

Would you recommend this website to other English students?

Yes, I would recommend it to other English students looking for a varied and practical platform to improve their skills. The diversity of content and interactive quizzes are strong points that can benefit learners.

Do you think you will revisit this website?

Yes, I am likely to revisit the website in the future to practice and reinforce my English skills. Despite some limitations, I consider it offers valuable resources for learning.

Rating: 8/10

Summary experience: A useful and varied website for improving English, although feedback after quizzes could be improved.

Best regards!


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